The next time you feel like complaining to your chaplain
or your lover about how misrable your life is,
be thankful you are not cursed with the three terrible Karmas.
Beauty, Riches, and Fame.


You have to know, not fear, that someday you are going to die.
Until you know that and embrace that, you are useless.


In order to creat soap, the yardstick for civilization,
you must first render fat.
And the best fat for making soap
- because the salt balance is just right-
comes from human bodies.


Don't let everyday life get to you.
I say take a commonly used expression and act it out.
Today's phrase: Abuse the copy machine."
Drop what you're doing and have at it.
Send us pictures and we'll post them.


Did you know that every year there are
more people killed by mules than in airline accidents?


Even find yourself wondering what people mean when they say "It's all relative?"
Consider this: On the long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.

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